Thinking Positive May Enhance Your Life – Why Not Try It?

sitting girl

Negativity can be emotionally draining. It’s so much easier on your mind and body if you focus on the potential happiness that life can bring you. Courtney E. Ackerman, author of MY POCKET POSITIVITY, shares an exercise that will help you embrace positive thinking. 

Inspiration is a powerful motivator as well as a mood-enhancer— it can have a huge impact on how you feel! For this exercise, you will put your negative thinking on pause and allow yourself to dwell only on the positive.

  1. Think about a current problem or challenge in your life. Is there something that feels overwhelming or impossible?mypocketpositiv
  2. Consider your current thoughts about this problem. They’re probably along the lines of “There’s no way I can…” or “It’s too difficult to…” Write down these negative or pessimistic thoughts on a piece of paper with some space on the page in between thoughts. Now try the possibility mind-set: instead of focusing on all the obstacles between you and solving your problem or meeting your goal, think about all of the possibilities that this challenge opens up to you.
  3. For each negative thought, run it through the possibility mind-set, and write down what comes out on the other side. For example, “There’s no way I can figure this out” could become “I have what it takes to find the solution.”
  4. Do this for each negative thought. Once you have completed each pair, read through them and highlight, underline, or otherwise call attention to the positive thought. This will help you plant the new thought in your mind.

Revisit these positive thoughts whenever you need a little inspiration.

Inspire yourself with new ways to stay positive by picking up MY POCKET POSITIVITY by Courtney E. Ackerman!


For more on Tips on Life & Love: You Really Can Reduce Stress by Breathing


Excerpted from My Pocket Positivity by Courtney E. Ackerman. Copyright © 2018 by author. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.

Photo by Dawid Zawila on Unsplash

The post Embrace Positive Thinking: Try the Possibility Mindset appeared first on Tips on Life and Love.

One Comment on “Thinking Positive May Enhance Your Life – Why Not Try It?”

  1. I’ve been applying positive thinking in my life for a couple of years now and I must say it’s changed a lot to the better. First and foremost it makes me enjoy life more than before and aproach things in a more calm way. Got to try if you haven’t yet.

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